Friday, 8 January 2010

Me again.. still on snowdays!

I have had plenty of time to be blogging and crafting this week...the snow is still piled high here and I still can't get my car out of the back cos of the snow and ice AND I'm unable to open my back gates! (to get my car out)

Anyway, I got a fab little stamp in "Home bargains" last week...for the measely sum of 49p! It's this beer stamp.... just thought it would make a good mans card...and I immediately thought of some papers with clocks on which are from Funky Fairies (...which I believe, have now closed down). I love the aqua colour with the brown clock paper, and loved the look of a quickutz beer mug with them image, too.

This is the same image and papers again, but without the beermug. I might try a sentiment on here though....not sure yet....

While making some cards for someone on docrafts the other day (I was donating some breast cancer care cards to her) I used an image from Pink petticoat, to make a card to have in my collection. The paper is Pink petticoat too and I love the colours of this one. Coloured with promarkers.

I made this one for my Aunties birthday a few days ago. I used a new stamp I bought about 2 months ago...from a car boot sale... the cat samp was 50p and this is the first time I have used it! It is quite a large stamp, but that makes a nice change for me... I only have small stamps really. The paper is from a dovecraft pack, and I coloured a little of the image with my promarkers.

On the theme of cats, anyone who knows me will know I have 2 cats whom I adore...and spoil like mad! (see pic of them on post below) On Tuesday, Hubby also had a snowday with me, as we couldn't dig out his car and the roads were thick with snow. So, apart from taking a walk down the Sankey Valley park, at the bottom of our road, we made a snowcat in our back garden! It's not too detailed or shaped that well, because I was just so cold! almost as cold as when were were in New York! xx


  1. Love these cards - I need to dig out the stuff I got from FF before it closed! LURVE the snowcat! xxx

  2. Hi Vicky

    Love the cat stamp, it's so cute and what a bargain! Can't wait for the 'car boot' season again. Snowcat is great! Sounds like you've had quite a lot more snow than we've had here. Brrrr! Love the New York photo's. I can't wait to go day!!! Jeanette


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